The name of the chapter is the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians (MDR/SAH), described hereafter as "Chapter".
The Chapter is granted authority by the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) to constitute itself into a separate and voluntary association as a chapter of SAH.
The Chapters members work or reside primarily in the Pacific Northwest region composed of the states of Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and the province of British Columbia.
The objectives of the Chapter are:
To further the objectives of the SAH;
To hold meetings for the discussion of studies in architectural history and to visit historically significant sites;
To increase awareness and knowledge of our architectural heritage.
Membership is open to anyone interested in architectural history and its related fields, who subscribes to these bylaws.
Membership classes are as follows:
"Chapter" members who are concurrently members of SAH and MDR/SAH.
"Associate" members who are not members of SAH.
"Student" members who are attending college or university and are not members of SAH.
Additional membership classes which the board may establish so long as they are not in conflict with the above classes.
Members have one vote each regardless of membership class
Membership Dues
Member dues are annual and payable on 1 January of each year.
The amount of dues for each class of members is determined by the Directors and approved by he membership at its annual meeting.
Officers and Regional Delegates
Officers of the Chapter are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, each of whom shall hold office for a term of two years or until a successor has taken office. Regional delegates will also hold office for two years. Duties and powers of the officers are as generally pertain to their respective offices, and other powers and duties as may be conferred on them by the board.
The officers shall appoint four regional delegates at the annual meeting; the immediate past president shall be added as a regional delegate. These four regional delegates shall be elected from the widest geographic distribution, but not necessarily one from each province/state.
The Board, which shall direct, and control the policies and activities of the Chapter, shall consist of: the officers; and up to four regional delegates. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Officers and regional delegates elected/appointed at the annual meeting shall take office immediately upon their election of appointment.
The Executive Committee shall manage the activities of the Chapter.
Officers and regional delegates must be members and may come from any class of membership. They serve without compensation.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the immediate Past President. Three members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Regional delegates shall participate in Executive Committee sessions convened during regularly scheduled chapter meetings. Members of other committees may attend upon request.
The President may appoint other committees from time to time as is deemed necessary.
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the annual meeting of at least six (6) months prior to the biennial meeting for elections. The committee shall be composed of three members, two of whom shall not be Officers. Its duty is to report to the President three (3) months before the meeting, nominating one person to each officers position and recommending persons for regional delegates positions.
Other members may be nominated for any office, subject to a second, during the election of the Board.
Voting for election of officers or for an amendment to these by-laws shall be in person or by mail ballot. Notice of the meeting and ballots shall be distributed at least thirty (30) days before the meeting. Ballots must be returned by five (5) days before the meeting for counting. Ballots received thereafter will not be counted. Ballots by those attending will not be counted, so that each member can have only one vote. Election to office requires a majority of votes and ballots cast.
A quorum for voting consists of those members present at any meeting of the members. If mail ballots are used, the ballots shall be included among the members in attendance for purpose of a quorum.
Meetings of Chapter Members
The Chapter shall meet, at least, annually. The biennial meeting of the members for the election of the officers of the chapter and for other business that may be before the Chapter may be held, usually September or October, at a place in the region as fixed by the Executive Committee. Written notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be mailed to members at least thirty (30) days before the meeting.
Election of officers may precede the meeting if the Executive Committee so chooses.
Other meetings shall be at places and times fixed by the Executive Committee. Notice shall be mailed at least thirty (30) days before the meeting.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per year at about the time of the annual meeting. The President may call meetings at any other times with twenty (20) days written notice. Other meetings may be held via tele-communication media.
A vacancy occurs when a person is unable to fulfill duties of the office as recognized by mutual consent or by determination of the Executive Committee.
Vacancy in any position on the Board (Office of Regional Delegate) for any cause may be filled by election of the Board, subject to the foregoing eligibility of the candidate to serve.
Annual Reports
The President may prepare a report annually for approval by the Board, which may be sent to SAH National Secretary.
The Secretary shall annually make a written report of the chapters activities and send it to SAH newsletter editor.
The Treasurer shall prepare a report by March fifteenth of each year showing all funds received by the Chapter and how expended. The statement shall be filed with appropriate state and federal agencies and the Chapter President. It shall be approved by the members at their next meeting, or amended until approval is obtained.
Relations with SAH
The Chapter may sponsor membership (pay dues) for the President or his/her designee among officers.
The President or his/her designee among the officers may be the delegate to the annual meeting of SAH and the person is encouraged to attend.
Amendments to the By-Laws
The By-Laws of the Chapter may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members at the meeting of the Chapter provided that either: the Amendment has been duly adopted by the Executive Committee and recommended to the members for approval at their next meeting; or by written notice of the proposed Amendment containing the substance thereof, subscribed by three members of the Chapter, shall be read, discussed and approved at a meeting for taking a vote thereon at the next meeting of the Chapter.
Notice of the meeting and the proposed Amendment shall be distributed to members thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.