Aug 6, 2019, 7:21 PM
August 2019 SAHMDR Newsletter
Diana Painter, long-time president of SAHMDR, receives an appreciation from new president Amanda C. Roth Clark.
Welcome to the new board!
Congratulations to our new board! President - Amanda C. Roth Clark (left in photo); Vice President - Chris Bell; Secretary - Kathryn Burk-Hise; Treasurer - Mimi Sheridan; Immediate Past President - Diana Painter (right in photo); Regional Reps: British Columbia - Jenni Pace; Idaho - Phil Mead; Oregon - Jim Buckley; Washington - Phil Gruen. Here's to the next two years!
New board president welcome!
Amanda C. Roth Clark and her father, Leland M. Roth, photographed in 2013 at Johnson Hall at the University of Oregon.
Hello from your new Chapter President, Amanda C. Roth Clark
I am thrilled to be the Chapter President for the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians. I knew Marion when I was a child and grew up surrounded by the congenial members of this unique group. The SAH/MDR has its own special charm, a character I hope to preserve and celebrate, taking the presidential reigns from Diana Painter after her dedicated leadership for more than a decade.
In addition to continuing the legacy of this organization, I seek to further bolster our mission, as stated in our bylaws, to further the objectives of the SAH, hold meetings, and increase awareness and knowledge of our architectural heritage. As an educator, I have a particular passion for increasing our student membership and furthering their engagement with our regional chapter – they are the future of preserving our architectural past.
As your president I embrace my stated responsibilities of liaising with our parent SAH organization and preparing our annual meetings within my time of service. I am particularly enthusiastic about working with our current leadership slate in the SAH/MDR, and anticipate the exciting years ahead of us. Plans regarding our chapter’s intersection with the 2020 SAH national meeting in Seattle are actively underway—stay tuned for more details regarding that in the weeks and months to come.
Feel free to reach out to me anytime, as I care deeply about you, our members.
-Amanda C. Roth Clark
2019 SAHMDR Conference pics!
Photos from the SAHMDR 2019 Conference in Coeur d'Alene: at top left, Idaho representative Phil Mead discusses a historic map with Robert Singletary on our tour of Fort Sherman, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; top right, Treasurer Mimi Sherman leading the tour of the North Idaho College campus in Coeur d’Alene
Conference presenter and long-time member, Bill Hawkins, discusses the concept of “arrested decay” with guest speaker Leslie Gilmore; and bottom left, Conference attendees tour the Granary redevelopment project in Sandpoint.
Synopsis of May 2019 Conference
SAH MDR held our annual conference this year in Northern Idaho’s Silver Valley, exploring the theme Extraction and Recreation: Sensitive Redevelopments and Faustian Bargains. Coeur d’Alene was home base where we began the conference with Robert Singletary of the Museum of North Idaho leading us on a tour of Fort Sherman. Our Friday evening kick-off event was held at the NRHP-registered Roosevelt Inn and included Bill Hawkins’ presentation about his family’s local history with building the Northern Pacific Railroad.
Saturday, our paper sessions, lunch, and annual general meeting were held at North Idaho College’s Edminster Student Union. Then we were off to Sandpoint for tours of the rehabilitated Granary district buildings and the Larch House, which was designed by Katie Egland Cox. We headed back to Coeur d’Alene where the evening’s banquet and keynote were held at the Greenbriar Inn. Participants were thrilled to hear Seattle architect, Gordon Walker, talk about his work. The conference wrapped up on Sunday with a tour of the mining town, Wallace, and lunch at City Limits Brew Pub.
Next year’s conference
The 73rd Annual Conference in Seattle will be held from April 29th to May 3rd, 2020. Our new board is working away on coordinating next year’s conference with SAH International, as well as planning our own SAHMDR events! The targeted date at this time is May 1, 2020. Please stay tuned!
Copyright © 2019 SAHMDR rights reserved.
August 6, 2019
Our mailing address is:
645 Laurel Avenue, No. 3
Pacific Grove, CA 93950